Throughout chapter six Jay Gatsby tells Nick about how he gained his wealth and who helped him. The yatch is very important in Gatsby life because that is what he gained his wealth off of. When he met Dan Cody, he saw him on the yatch this is why i choose the picture of the yatch. Gatsby was born James Gatz, and on board the yatch he was given the name Jay Gatsby from Dan Cody. Dan Cody would drink on board and was into the party lifestyle, this gave Gatsby a respect for the dangers of alcohol, leading him to the life he lives now. He is wealthy respected man, who does not take up drinking as a result of his experiance of alcohol from Dan Cody. Therefore, Dan Cody was as a father figure to Gatsby while he was growing up to help him to his fortunes today.
Chapter 6 starts of with history of Jay Gatsby. After Gatsby fails to graduate college he falls back on jaitoral work to pay off his tution. He then moves on to lake suprior being a fisherman and digging for clams. While his time fishing on lake superior he runs into a man named Dan Cody. As a storm approaches Jay sails to cody's yacht and warns him of an inpending storm. Cody taking so mcuh to the young man and his curtesy to warn him takes him as a deck hand on his yacht. The pair travel down to the west indies and Cody's asks jay to watch oput for him while he drinks. Cody leaves 25,000 to Jay but that is later taken by Cody's wife after his death. While Gatsby is down south in the west indies he takes a liking to the rich and lavish life which he realizes he wants. This alludes to the idea of corruption by wealth when individuals make it thier goal to obtain money for thier happyness. Gatsby is a proime example of this because throughout the novel so far Gatsby is thought to be well known ad well liked, but both those qualities seem to be hidden because of the overwhelming wealth he posses.
"Then he drifted back to Lake Superior, and he was still searching for something to do on the day that Dan Cody's yacht dropped anchor in the shallows along shore" (105).
"And it was from Cody that he inherited money-a legacy of twenty-five thousand dollars" (107).
"His life had been confused and disordered since then, but if he could once return to a certain starting place and go over it all slowly, he could find out what that thing was..." (117).
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