This is a picture of a girl and a boy together, happily holding hands. In this particular chapter Gatsby tells about his past relationship with Daisy. This image is a good representation of their feelings when they were together. This scene portrays the true Gatsby and how he shows emotions towards Daisy. This picture displays the relationship they had and wish they still had for eachother. Both Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchnan feel nervous around the other person which shows how they still show feeling towards the other person. Therefore, this is a good picture to portray the relationship of Gatsby and Daisy.
Chapter Overview:
During chapter 4 Gatsby has another party and Nick meets some other locals with some creative names, most of the names pertain to particular animals. Nick meets men named Leeches, Francis Bull, Fishgaurds, and Ferret. The author does this to show that people lack human qualities. You can see evidence in the way that people act and it creates the image to the fact that these people are accually human. This also give you the view to the decay of soceity in the fact that many people have built their personalities upon lies.
1 comment:
This is truly a great read for me thank you for the effort to publish this and definitely be back to read some more.
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