During this chapter Gatsby plans to meet with Daisy for the first time since before he left for the army. This picture of green lights relates to this chapter because there are many green things seen at this time. The grass at Nick's house is green, Money (the money Gatsby offered to give Nick), and the green light on the Buchnan's dock. This is important because it represents envy towards people and their possessions. The green light at Daisy's house shows you how Gatsby spends time looking at it because he wants and desires her, such as with looking at the light. Therefore, green is a very significant color for this chapter and the book because people have envy and greed towards other people and others possessions.
Chapter Overview:
At the beginning of chapter 5 Gatsby strolls onto Nicks lawn inviting him to join him for an afternoon trip to Coney island for fun or even a swim in his pool. Nick soon realizes that this is a just a flashy attempt to try to coax Nick into his plan of arranging a meeting with Daisy for Gatsby. Nick agrees to arrange the meeting between the two. Upon the day of the meeting Nick had arranged the weather is awful and Gatsby seems terribly nervous, especially when he first sees Daisy doing an array of clumsy things. Nick ends up leaving the room the two are in and then comes back to find the two completely happy and no longer awkward. Nick returns outside and notices that the rain has cleared up and it is sunny out once again. Weather in chapter 5 mirrors Gatsby's attitudes and creates a sense allusion imagery. As the weather follows Gatsby's mood in the beginning when hes nervous torwards the end of chapter 5 .
- "A damp streak of hair lay like a dash of blue paint across her check and her hand was wet with glistening drops as i took it to help her from the car" (90).
- "But there was a change in Gatsby that was simply confounding. He litterally glowed; without a word or a gesture of exulatation a new weir being radiated from him and filled the little room" (94).
- "No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart" (101).
- Possibly it had occured to him that the colossial significance of that light had now vanished forever" (98).
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