Thursday, March 13, 2008

Chapter 9

This is a picture of a cemetery which relates to the death of Gatsby and Myrtle in chapter nine. This may also represent the death of people feelings and making Tom and Daisy come back to reality. No one attends Gatsby funeral which is important because during his life he was seen as a well respected man, although the people he meet did not care as much as it seemed. People would attend the parties without being invited and come in and out as they pleased, using Gatsby as a bootlegger. This cemetery signifies the death of Gatsby and Myrtle. In their society they were not important, which is seen at Gatsby funeral. Only a few attend, including Mr. Gatz, Owl Eyes, and a few servants. This shows that even people who 'cared' were really heartless individuals.

It has been two years since Gatsby death and many people have learned of Gatsby's murder many gossip mongereres, reporters and journalists go to his mansion after the murder. Many visitors began to gossip more than at the parties Gatsby had previously held. They speak of Gatsby's relations to George and Myrtle Wilson and thoughts of why the murder happened. Gatsby had previously mentioned that he wanted his funeral to be full of family and friends. Nick arraigned for a big funeral with all of Gatsby's friends and comes to find that most of his friends have gone away and or disappeared. Many people in the idea of "the American dream" would want to be remembered after their death.
  • "Look here, old sport, you've got to try hard. I can't go through this alone" (173).

This is significant because it is the reason why Nick tries so hard to have people at Gatsby's funeral, he feels bad that he has to be alone. For this he calls as many people who he thought that cared, but really people are just self-centered.

  • "It was a photo of the house, cracked in the corners and dirty with many hands...He had shown it so often that I think it was more real to him now than the house itself" (180).

This quote is significant because it shows how Gatsby's father only appreciated him for his money rather than loving his son for who he is as a person. Now that he is dead he wants to take his house and everything that goes along with Gatsby's fortunes.

Chapter 8

This is a picture of the United States Areal map, which is significant to chapter eight because it shows the different areas. In the novel you find out that Gatsby is mid-western and Wilson wants to move out West. This shows their different values compared to the values of Daisy Buchanan or Myrtle Wilson. People in the west are more naive and compassionate, and on the other hand people of the east are more corrupt and opinionated. This shows many of the different characters in the novel, most of all the characters at Gatsby's parties are corrupt, that's why they like the fast life of the east. This also relates to Tom Buchanan because when he finds out that Myrtle's Husband Wilson wants to move out west he gets upset. As it is known Myrtle is not a western person, with her views and morals. Therefore this picture shows the difference of the areas in the states relating to the novel The Great Gatsby.
  • "He couldn't possibly leave Daisy until he knew what she was going to do. He was cluthing at some last hope and I couldn't bear to shake him free" (155).
This is a very important quote from the novel because it shows how Gatsby is completly in love with Daisy. He can not leave without knowing what she wants from him, he rather her oppinon that Nicks. This is also important because if he had choosen to leave he may have still been alive.
  • " You're worth the whole damn bunch put together" (162).

This is the most important quote of the novel which Nick says to Gatsby. This means that he think that Gatsby is more genuine of a person than Daisy, Tom, and Myrtle put together. This also shows how Nick really is a judgemental character, which he is portrayed throughout the novel to be a middle man who sees everyone equally.

  • "I spoke to her, he muttered, after a long silence. I told her she might fool me but she couldn't fool God. I ook her o the window- With an effort he got up and walked to the rear window and leaned with his face pressed against it, -and i said 'God konws what you've been doing, everything you've been doing. You may fool me but you can't fool God!" (167).

This is very important because it shows how Wilson is the purist person in the novel. Although he may be judged, he does not care about that, he is so honest. He believes he should not fool with God and everything else will be ok.

Chapter 7


Chapter Overview:
As chapter 7 opens Nick is invited to Tom's and Daisy's house where as he walks in he finds Gatsby and Jordan Baker there as well. Gatsby is astonished to leanr that Dais has a child and she seems to ignore the situation all together. After relaxing at the house the party then decides to go into New York for the rest of th afternoon. At this point Tom begins to notice that Daisy and Gatsby have apparent feelings for eachother and it is shown more so when the two take Toms car without him. As they leave Tom takes Gatsby's car and brings it to Wilsons garage to get gas. Tom and Wilson have many comparisons during chapter 7. The biggest comparison between the is that both the women they love have developed feelings for other men. This plays a big part in chapter 7 as the death of Myrtle when she is hit by Daisy which leaves both men stunned with this ironic accident.

  • "He opened the door but she moved out from the circle of his arm. 'You take Nick and Jordan, We'll follow you in the coupe' She walked close to Gatsby" (128).

This quote shows the betrayal of Daisy, she is married to Tom, yet she tells him she will go with Gatsby. This is very significant for the chapter because this is when everyone's true feelings are seen. Also this is very ironic because at the end of the novel she seems careless that Gatsby has died and goes with Tom, rather than Gatsby.

  • "I've been here too long . I want to get away. My wife and i want to go West. You wife does! exclaimed Tom...And now she's going whether she wants to or not. I'm going to be her away" (130).

This particular quote takes place at Wilson's garage with Tom and Wilson. What is seen here is Tom's furry towards Wilson, he does not want Myrtle to leave. He becomes very aggrevated, and feels like he cannot make her leave because he has now made her happy.

  • "Myrtle Wilson's face it seemed purposeless and inexplcable until I realized that her eyes wide with jealous terror, were fixed not on Tom but on Jordan Baker, whom she took to be his wife" (131).

This is when Nick see Myrtle at Wilson's garage while he is with Tom. This is very ironic because it shows how although Myrtle is the other woman who the husband is having an affair with she is jealous. Myrtle is a very deciving person and likes to gossip, this shows how she wants to know everything.

  • "I can't speak about what happened five years ago because I didn't know Daisy then-and I'll be damned if I see how you got within a mile of her unless you brought the groceries to the back door. But all the rest of that's a god damned lie. Daisy loved me when she married me and she loves me now' (138).

This is a very important conversation between Tom and Gatsby because Tom seems like he accually cares for Daisy, when he is having an affair and is unhappy. Although he is having an affair he still feels jealous about Gatsby, Tom is a hipacriate towards cheating. He can betray his wife but he does not want someone to do the same to him.

Chapter 6

Throughout chapter six Jay Gatsby tells Nick about how he gained his wealth and who helped him. The yatch is very important in Gatsby life because that is what he gained his wealth off of. When he met Dan Cody, he saw him on the yatch this is why i choose the picture of the yatch. Gatsby was born James Gatz, and on board the yatch he was given the name Jay Gatsby from Dan Cody. Dan Cody would drink on board and was into the party lifestyle, this gave Gatsby a respect for the dangers of alcohol, leading him to the life he lives now. He is wealthy respected man, who does not take up drinking as a result of his experiance of alcohol from Dan Cody. Therefore, Dan Cody was as a father figure to Gatsby while he was growing up to help him to his fortunes today.

Chapter 6 starts of with history of Jay Gatsby. After Gatsby fails to graduate college he falls back on jaitoral work to pay off his tution. He then moves on to lake suprior being a fisherman and digging for clams. While his time fishing on lake superior he runs into a man named Dan Cody. As a storm approaches Jay sails to cody's yacht and warns him of an inpending storm. Cody taking so mcuh to the young man and his curtesy to warn him takes him as a deck hand on his yacht. The pair travel down to the west indies and Cody's asks jay to watch oput for him while he drinks. Cody leaves 25,000 to Jay but that is later taken by Cody's wife after his death. While Gatsby is down south in the west indies he takes a liking to the rich and lavish life which he realizes he wants. This alludes to the idea of corruption by wealth when individuals make it thier goal to obtain money for thier happyness. Gatsby is a proime example of this because throughout the novel so far Gatsby is thought to be well known ad well liked, but both those qualities seem to be hidden because of the overwhelming wealth he posses.


"Then he drifted back to Lake Superior, and he was still searching for something to do on the day that Dan Cody's yacht dropped anchor in the shallows along shore" (105).

"And it was from Cody that he inherited money-a legacy of twenty-five thousand dollars" (107).

"His life had been confused and disordered since then, but if he could once return to a certain starting place and go over it all slowly, he could find out what that thing was..." (117).

Monday, March 10, 2008

Chapter 5

During this chapter Gatsby plans to meet with Daisy for the first time since before he left for the army. This picture of green lights relates to this chapter because there are many green things seen at this time. The grass at Nick's house is green, Money (the money Gatsby offered to give Nick), and the green light on the Buchnan's dock. This is important because it represents envy towards people and their possessions. The green light at Daisy's house shows you how Gatsby spends time looking at it because he wants and desires her, such as with looking at the light. Therefore, green is a very significant color for this chapter and the book because people have envy and greed towards other people and others possessions.

Chapter Overview:
At the beginning of chapter 5 Gatsby strolls onto Nicks lawn inviting him to join him for an afternoon trip to Coney island for fun or even a swim in his pool. Nick soon realizes that this is a just a flashy attempt to try to coax Nick into his plan of arranging a meeting with Daisy for Gatsby. Nick agrees to arrange the meeting between the two. Upon the day of the meeting Nick had arranged the weather is awful and Gatsby seems terribly nervous, especially when he first sees Daisy doing an array of clumsy things. Nick ends up leaving the room the two are in and then comes back to find the two completely happy and no longer awkward. Nick returns outside and notices that the rain has cleared up and it is sunny out once again. Weather in chapter 5 mirrors Gatsby's attitudes and creates a sense allusion imagery. As the weather follows Gatsby's mood in the beginning when hes nervous torwards the end of chapter 5 .

  • "A damp streak of hair lay like a dash of blue paint across her check and her hand was wet with glistening drops as i took it to help her from the car" (90).

  • "But there was a change in Gatsby that was simply confounding. He litterally glowed; without a word or a gesture of exulatation a new weir being radiated from him and filled the little room" (94).

  • "No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart" (101).

  • Possibly it had occured to him that the colossial significance of that light had now vanished forever" (98).

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Chapter 4

This is a picture of a girl and a boy together, happily holding hands. In this particular chapter Gatsby tells about his past relationship with Daisy. This image is a good representation of their feelings when they were together. This scene portrays the true Gatsby and how he shows emotions towards Daisy. This picture displays the relationship they had and wish they still had for eachother. Both Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchnan feel nervous around the other person which shows how they still show feeling towards the other person. Therefore, this is a good picture to portray the relationship of Gatsby and Daisy.

Chapter Overview:
During chapter 4 Gatsby has another party and Nick meets some other locals with some creative names, most of the names pertain to particular animals. Nick meets men named Leeches, Francis Bull, Fishgaurds, and Ferret. The author does this to show that people lack human qualities. You can see evidence in the way that people act and it creates the image to the fact that these people are accually human. This also give you the view to the decay of soceity in the fact that many people have built their personalities upon lies.

Chapter 3

Explanation :
This picture is of a person holding diamonds, which shows greed, and a need for this item. The greed is related to the Great Gatsby because the characters in the novel portray these overly wealth lifestyles. They gossip about their money and wealth to everyone. Lucille even talks about the dress she is given from Gatsby, and brags. This is gossip, although in her eyes an excuses to talk about herself. Many of the minor characters at Gatsby's parties love to show off their wealth as well, by wearing expensive clothing and jewelry. Therefore, this picture is a good representation of the people in the novel who have greed that exceeds their wealth.

Chapter Overview:
In chapter three Nick views one of Gatsby's parties and he notices that they are very extravagant. He also learns that very few are invited but many attend. Nick receives an invitation to one and decides to go. Nick feeling very out of place takes a tour of the mansion in search of Gatsby. During his journey through the mansion, Nick runs into a man he calls owl eyes. Owl eyes is sitting in the library protesting "these are real books!" stating this because he had been to many parties where the host have had fake books. This displays how rich people can be fake it also relates with the gossip that goes on at the parties which turn out to be fake as well. both topics are discussed in the "decay of society" during this period of time. The rich society had the power to by pass laws in the 1920's. Examples of this are shown in the case of Gatsby being a bootlegger during the prohibition. The rich at the time mainly spoke of lies and corrupt information. Another example being the rumor of Gatsby being a German spy. The decay of society is clearly displayed in chapter 3 during Gatsby's parties.

"I had actually been invited. A chauffeur in a uniform of robin's egg blue crossed my lawn early that Saturday morning with a surprisingly formal note..." (45).
  • This quote is from the morning before Gatsby's party, Nick was thinking to himself. This is important because he was the only person who was actually invited to his party which is odd, most people would come in and out without even knowing Gatsby. This shows how Gatsby is a genuine person towards Nick.

"I don't think its so much that, argued Lucille skeptically, it's more that he was a German spy during the war" (48).

  • This quote directly said by Lucille is gossip. She loves to gossip about everyone and this is more rumors about Gatsby past life and lifestyles.

"You look at him sometime when he thinks nobody is looking at him, i bet he killed a man"(48).

Chapter 2

This is a picture of a the popular gossip/tabloid magazine, in chapter 2 they talk a lot about gossip and even mention the magazines. This picture relates to the novel because it shows how people like to make up rumors to have something to talk about. In this chapter you find out about Myrtle and Tom's 'secret' relationship. Jordan likes to get into other peoples business as seen in the first chapter and this shows how people are superficial. The characters like to portray this unrealistic personalities and laugh for the sake of laughing, even though they are fake. Therefore, this picture is a good representation of Myrtle and Daisy how they clash over one man, Tom Buchanan.

Chapter Overview:
Nick Carrway live in west egg, New York and between west egg and New York lies the Valley of Ashes, with Tom Buchanan. Tom leads nick through the valley of ashes to a car dealer ship named cars bought and sold, owned by George B. Wilson. Upon arriving all three men go up into Georges office, soon after Georges wife Myrtle comes in. The reader then finds out that Myrtle and Tom are having a affair. Later Tom and Myrtle travel to an apartment together and have guest over, everything goes well until Myrtle shouts "Daisy, Daisy, Daisy!" when Tom had asked her not to. Tom struck Myrtle and broke her nose causing her to bleed. Tom and Myrtle both have marriages they have problems with. They are both very rich and have the same attitude. Though they both are married, Tom more than Myrtle more in love with his spouse. Myrtle seemed to marry into lower standards than Tom, and seems to care about her social status as much as Tom. Tom and Myrtle both have many comparison and contrast in chapter two.

"Can't stand them. She looked at Myrtle and then at Tom. What I say is, why go on living with them it they can't stand them? If I was them I'd get a divorce and get married to each other right away" (37).
  • Jordan had said this talking about Tom and Daisy's 'relationship'. This is important because it shows how she loves to gossip about everyone and know everyone else business.

"He borrowed some body's best suit to get married in and never even told me about it, and the man came after it one day when he was out" (39).

  • Myrtle was talking about George Wilson and how he borrowed some other person's suit to get married in. She holds a grudge on him now and hates him for it, which is important because she now has a negative relationship with him.

"You can't live forever, You can't live forever. She turned to Mrs. McKee and the room rang full of artifical laughter" (40).

  • Myrtle says this 'you can't live forever' which is important because it shows how she tries to portray this wonderful life but yet she tells other people to get over themselves. Everyone has fake laughs which shows how they laugh at their own pleasure.

"I knew he was below me. Everybody kept saying to me, Lucille, that man's way below you! But if i hadn't met Chester he'd of got me for sure" (38).

  • Lucille is talking to Myrtle but she wants everyone to hear her. She is trying to tell everyone how she is better and her social status is better than everyone's. This is important because she gossips about everyone and now she wants people to notice her.